Unbreakable Communication Security At Last?
How safe is your online activity? Do you think about online security? If you don’t, maybe you should. Hackers, malware pirates, and spies prowl the internet, ever probing for weakness. With enough effort, they always find it. Sooner or later, they can breach any firewall. No form of encryption is completely unbreakable.

Is there anything we can do?
Computer security experts strive to block outside access to our data.They’ve seen notable successes, but for every advance, the hackers and pirates answer sooner or later. Completely unbreakable firewalls seem beyond our reach.
Most I T experts believe the threat can only grow more severe. With quantum computing on the horizon, danger your online privacy is likely increase dramatically. The nearly infinite processing power of quantum computers could defeat even the most complex security codes. No form of encryption, it seems, will ever be unbreakable. Absolute online security is impossible. We’ve been told it always will be.
Could this be unbreakable?
Still, the future of online privacy might not be as hopeless as we thought. An international team of communications experts claim to have the world’s first absolutely impregnable data protection.
Led by Dr. Andrea di Falco, the team is drawn from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabia), the University of St. Andrews, and the Center for Unconventional Processes in Sciences. They say their system is based on a silicon optical chip. It enables sending of data from one user to another via hackproof one-time encryption.
The system doesn’t store the keys generated by the chip. It doesn’t communicate the keys with the messages. Nobody- not even the users- can recreate them.
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Di Falco said, “With the advent of more powerful and quantum computers, all current encryptions will be broken in a very short time, exposing… our present, and more importantly, past communications. For instance, an attacker can store an encrypted message… sent today and wait for the right technology… to decipher (it).”
Di Falco says his team has provided the perfect solution. If he’s right, they’ve revolutionized online privacy. Their invention will provide what Di Falco calls “perfect secrecy” in public communication. Finally, our online messages will be unbreakable.
Di Falco’s team is working on commercial models and ‘user-friendly’ software. They’ve already made a functioning demonstration model.
If they’re right, we may never have to worry about hackers again.
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